Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Adventure Begins

This adventure begins back in the olden times of the last century. Jerry has purchased a 32 foot sailboat and retired from his job as a Harbor Patrolman on the waters of Newport Harbor in Southern California. Captain Kathy who has the sailing experience has found someone to run her business for the time being. Together they have decided to take an open ended sailing adventure south to Mexico. The boat, Po'oino meaning not quite right in the head, an Ericson 32 has been upgraded with almost new everything and is ready to go.

Together Kathy and Jerry spent nine fun filled months cruising as far as Puerto Vallarta and up into the Sea of Cortez. There seemed to be only one problem, we loved the lifestyle and wanted it to continue but Po'oino was a bit SMALL. The decision was made return to Southern California to sell this boat and find a more suitable boat to both live on and continue the adventure of traveling across oceans.

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